
Stay in the Game fund opens – £750 Grants Available for Mens Clubs

STAY IN THE GAME The Football Association’s Stay in the Game scheme, formerly known as Retain the Game, is aimed at supporting the retention of adult male teams. The scheme provides grants of £750 to clubs with existing male teams to support the essential costs of pitch hire, training venues, and affiliation fees. The application […]

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Preparing your team for a grassroots tournament

FA county coach developer, Rebecca Garlick, provides a list of practical coaching tips. For all the excitement and enjoyment, taking a team to a tournament can be a challenging time for coaches. With this in mind, planning for the event is absolutely essential. The more planning done prior to the day, the more time there […]

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What is matchday like for a grassroots coach?

Grassroots coach and football writer, Glenn Moore, provides an insight into his matchday coaching experience and some important lessons learned on the FA Youth Award courses. Looking at a neighbouring pitch last week, as my U12s prepared to kick-off, I saw a fellow manager struggling to erect a portable goal. Goal construction is like putting […]

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The dreaded ‘playing time’ conversation

One of the most dreaded conversations between players, coaches, and parents involves playing time. Nobody likes it. In my workshops on conflict resolution for coaches and directors of coaching, I ask them to identify the most common types of difficult conversations and conflict they encounter. The number one answer is the conversation about playing time. […]

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Coaching, its easy!!! isn’t it….

Before we discuss what qualities and skill sets that make for a good coach, we need to first acknowledge how very difficult this profession of coaching really is. Coaching is sometimes a thankless, frustrating “no-win” kind of activity.  It’s most often done in a public fishbowl. […]

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How to recognise and respond to a sudden cardiac arrest

We’ve all seen players fall over. But what happens if they don’t get up?   Sudden collapse is often the first sign of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). Unfortunately, understanding and awareness of this medical emergency is poor – which can lead to misdiagnosis, incorrect treatment and, ultimately, death.   In the UK alone, 12 young people […]

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Why setting boundaries helps both player and coach

Creag Lawrence, FA PE coordinator, believes that setting boundaries and using consequences can benefit both coach and player. In the past, detentions, ‘laps’ or being shouted at was the extent of ‘behaviour management’ strategy used by teachers at school – or adults in the football setting. Interventions were used to apply control.In modern educational settings, […]

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Arson causes £10,000 of damage to Birchwood Colts JFC equipment

Arsonists have caused misery and heartache to Birchwood Colts JFC, a junior football club from Birchwood. On the evening of the 23rd one of the Birchwood Colts children’s football club containers was set on fire causing thousands of pounds worth of damage. This football club runs as a facility for young children to enjoy football, […]

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