Three vs two plus a goalkeeper, reds have to try and score while the blues have to either slow the attacking team down (over 20 seconds), prevent them scoring or win the ball and play to the three reds waiting past the yellow cones. After a team wins or 20 seconds passes, those players swap with the next players waiting to come on. Start each round with the blues passing it out to one of the reds.
– Add another attacker
– Add players that come in after 20 seconds
Key Points:
– Hold off slightly if the ball is central (don’t over commit but be in a position that pressure can be applied to any player quickly if they receive the ball and able to block a shot)
– Once the ball goes wider on the pitch, show down the line/away from goal and create a 11 (as above, covering player holds a position to stop player on the ball cutting in and be able to put pressure quickly on the other player, goalkeeper in a position to stop shot/cross and put pressure on the furthest attacker if they get the ball)