It’s difficult now in 2016 to remember a time when there was no Premier league, kids of today will assume it has always been this way, I can assure you that I for one am unfortunately old enough to remember when the whole league system was united and money was shared.
So we look back now and consider…

Has the Premier league failed to live up to its founding principles??
Good question, let’s go back to 1992 when the elite clubs fought to have a breakaway league, they said;
•It will be better for the national team.
•We will have more income from TV and we will be able to invest 5% of TV income into grassroots.

History has shown that the results and performance of the England team since Gazza was in tears at Italia 90 has deteriorated. And the state of crisis that the Grassroots community find itself in is also obvious to those who are part of grassroots football.
The Premier League says it never ultimately agreed to distribute “5% of income” to grassroots, Scudamore says when it set up the foundation, it agreed to distribute 5% of only the “domestic” – UK element – of its TV deal and was not asked by the government to include the overseas rights.
The Premier League also argues that the government and FA agreed to be equal funding partners and, as they have struggled to find the money, the Premier League reduced its contribution too. (Yes really)
Scudamore is also quoted as saying “The Premier League is not a charity” and “To my core, I believe this is a success”
If we go back to the founding principles, has the National team benefitted? No. Ok then has Grassroots football benefitted? Again No.
Who has benefitted? The elite 1% in the game at the expense of the 99%.
The national team is in decline and grassroots facilities are creaking under the weight of years of under investment.
We would love your thoughts guys.
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