The FA Coach Mentor Programme is a major investment in the grassroots game and offers on-the-ground support to FA Charter Standard Clubs and coaches.
The FA sees the development of coaches as central to the development of the game, and working collaboratively accelerates learning and supports coaches’ development.
Mentoring support at a club could include:
- Developing a whole club philosophy
- Group coaching demonstrations
- 1:1 coaching, match-day observation and support
- Signposting to relevant courses and events
- Needs analysis for individual coaches
- Modelling of coaching sessions for individual coaches
- Individual feedback
- An individual learning programme
In 2015/16 the FA Coach Mentor Programme supported 9,383 coaches and 615 clubs.
Receive support from the Coach Mentor programme…
If you are part of an FA Charter Standard Club and would like receive some support from one of our FA Coach Mentors please contact your Football Development Officer at your local County FA and the Regional Coach Mentor Officer in your region (details below). When making initial contact please include your name, club name, number of teams and County FA affiliated to.

The FA Coach Mentor Programme is also committed to providing 5000 hours per season specifically to work with BAME, female and disabled coaches across the country.
If you are a BAME coach and would like some support from one of our Coach Mentors, please contact Steve Smithies with your name, club name, age group and the County FA that you are affiliated to –
If you are a female coach and would like some support from one of our Coach Mentors, please contact Samantha Griffiths with your name, club name, age group and the County FA that you are affiliated to –
If you are a coach with a disability and would like some support from one of our Coach Mentors, please contact Kevin England with your name, club name, age group and the County FA that you are affiliated to –
Become an FA Coach Mentor…
If you are interested in becoming an FA Coach Mentor please check your local County FA website for vacancies. If no vacancies are available contact the Regional Coach Mentor Officer in your region (details below) who can provide an update of the programme in and around your area.
Pre-requisites to become an FA Coach Mentor are:
- Minimum FA Level 2 in Coaching Football
- Member of the FA Licensed Coaches Club
- Valid FA CRB
Your Regional Mentor Officers…
North West – Steve Smithies –
North East – Graeme Carrick –
East Midlands – Samantha Griffiths –
West Midlands – Andy Somers –
East – Darren Moss –
South East – Kevin England –
London/ Armed Forces/ Jersey/ Guernsey – Kevin Green –
South West – Ciara Allan –