Wayne was diagnosed with stargadtz maculardystrophy in November 2016. He was registered severely sight impaired from that day. Since then he has struggled to come to terms with his condition and he longs to watch his son play football.
When he was assessed back in 2016, the lady asked him, if you could change anything what would it be? He replied with ‘watch my son play football, that’s what hurts me the most’.

Last week he was given a free demonstration of a product which will change his life forever! The product is call IrisVision and costs £2,495.
This product will give Wayne his eyesight back, it would mean he can watch TV, he can read, he can cook dinner, but most importantly, he can watch his son play football.
If anyone has a spare £1 or so, to donate, we would appreciate it. We would never normally ask for donations, but we really are not in position to fund this product ourselves.
If anyone would like to donate, please donate HERE https://www.gofundme.com/irisvision-samsung-technology