I sit on the sidelines waiting my turn.
I can’t wait to get on and have energy to burn.
I tried my best in training.
I tried my best at school.
I’ve behaved well for Mam and dad and always for coach.
I ask coach if I can play and he says the game is really tight.
If you let me on I will play with all my might.
It’s not so fun stuck on the side alone.
While my friends are playing and I’m cold to the bone.
I know others are better but I always try my best.
How will I get better if I don’t play with the rest.
My coach wants to win, I just want to play.
This is my childhood at the end of the day.
I thought this was fun but it’s not anymore.
Coach isn’t interested in me only the score.
I’m old enough to know I’m not good enough to play, maybe it’s time for me to walk away.