With the new season on the horizon and the FA’s announcement to clampdown on abusive behaviour towards match officials, we turn our attention to the Silent Sideline weekends.
For those not familiar with the concept it’s were a match is played with no noise/ words coming from the sidelines only clapping. Designed so that the decisions are made from the children without instructions from the sidelines.
Silent Sideline weekends have been sporadically used by leagues and local county FA’s all around the country with mixed feedback.
We are aware that Silent Sideline weekends will feature more prominently in the coming season with more and more leagues and county FA’s wishing to “give it a go”
The feedback seems to be quite varied with a “lack of atmosphere” considered a drawback, however on the positive side the voices heard and decision makers become the players/children in these circumstances.
We are interested in your opinions and comments on this, we would also Ask you to put the concept the your players/children and ask what they think. All constructive positive and negative comments are welcome.

I think it’s a brilliant idea. How many times do we see coaches let alone parents give constant verbal instructions which in the end scripts the game for the young people and also takes away so many opportunities for individual decision making. If you visit any academy you will see this is the normal with minimal instructions being given during game play and then constructive feedback given at set breaks in play. As a coach mentor I feel that the more coaches that adopt this style of play can only benefit every child they coach and as parents see this behaviour from the coach then maybe it will filter down to them as well. So in summary I am all for this approach. Wayne Whittaker, Newtown Sports Junior FC, Malvern.