My sons first game, the first time he pulls on HIS team colours, the badge on the chest is HIS badge. I should be buzzing, why do I feel so nervous??

I wonder what he must be thinking, I know what I’m thinking and feeling, the pride, the sense of growing up and even a sense of apprehension, “will he get hurt, will he be ok, how will the team do”
His journey started over a year ago and I’ve looked forward to the season for months, now it’s so near my feelings have turned to anxiety, I’m suddenly nervous.
Dave, my son’s coach spoke to all the parents before the summer holidays and outlined his expectations, “no shouting and screaming” he said, just let them play and let me coach. I kind of laughed, it’s not like we’re watching a premier league game, who’s going to be shouting and screaming, it’s just a bit of fun.
Dave explained to us that he will give every child the same amount of time on the pitch regardless of the score, everyone agreed although I did see one person roll their eyes, maybe I got it wrong.
Dave explained that there will be scouts at pitch side from Man Utd!!
What world have I been catapulted into, it seems surreal.
This world I’ve been adopted into has turned into a family, my sons best mates now are all on his team, and not in his school, our social group is the parents from the team, I’m not a football fan am I. Why the nerves, I didn’t expect this, I spoke to some of the parents during the holidays and they feel exactly the same as me.
This world of mud, rain and cold weather has become MY world as well now, a world of people working together for a common cause, a world were children look at Dave like a superhero, a world of characters from all walks of life and all different colours, cultures and backgrounds.

I’ve never seen anything quite like it, this Grassroots world. With all these thoughts racing round my mind and the roller coaster of feelings I’ve lived through I asked my son how he felt about his first game in a few weeks, I said it was ok if he felt nervous, and I wanted to know exactly what he was looking forward to most. He replied
“Dave said the burger van does better burgers than McDonald’s, can I try one please Mam”
At that moment I knew he would be fine.